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EDC Best Practices: Should You Carry Appendix?

EDC Best Practices: Should You Carry Appendix?


Buckle up - this topic is divisive!

“Appendix” carry refers to placing your holster at the front of your body, generally between 11 o'clock and 1 o'clock. Appendix carry has become dominant over the past decade, and it’s also drawn a lot of vocal criticism.

Let's break down the arguments from both sides to get a full picture. 

Advocates of appendix carry generally defend the position as 1) the fastest placement for draw time from concealment, 2) the placement where the wearer has the most control over the weapon, and 3) the most concealable placement (though this can vary by body type).

Regarding speed, it's mathematic that moving the weapon less far will be faster than moving it farther. A weapon's trajectory to the target is much longer from strong side or 5 o'clock than from 12 o'clock. 

Regarding control, putting the weapon at your front gives the wearer the best ability to defend the weapon while it's holstered. It's much easier for someone to slyly take something from behind your back than from your front. 

Regarding concealment, many modern holsters have features like claws or wings that turn the pistol grip in toward your body, helping the weapon to disappear under your shirt while still presenting a strong profile for your draw. 

Opponents of appendix carry generally dislike that the weapon is holstered over your genitals. Some find the position generally uncomfortable, especially when sitting or bending over.

It's completely fair to say that putting a round through your genitals - or into your crotch / upper thigh area in general - would make for a very bad day. Ask Cheddar Bob from 8 Mile.


So, who is right?

When it comes to carry position, there is not a single right answer. If the wearer follows weapons best practices, uses a modern weapon with modern ammo, and carries in a quality holster, then the risks of a negligent discharge are effectively none. Your boys (or girl) can breathe easy.

Remember: A gun in a holster isn’t “pointed at” anything. That is the point of the holster - to protect the gun, enclose the trigger, and render the weapon incapable of firing.

If you don't trust that your pistol won't fire unless the trigger is pulled, then you really shouldn't carry that weapon. If you don't trust that you won't pull the trigger unless your weapon is pointed at a target, then you really shouldn't carry a gun at all until you have more training. 

Appendix position generally is the fastest, most controllable, and most concealable. However, we also understand that appendix carry is not the best choice for everyone, whether due to body type or any other reason personal to you.

That’s why we designed all of our Carrier pants and shorts to accept any waist-mounted carry position, so you can place your IWB holster wherever you want around your waist.

Check out our best-selling concealed carry athleticwear so you can be comfortably prepared today!

Thanks for reading, and as always, stay safe out there. 

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